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Download protein structure

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MaxCluster computes several comparison scores between a set of matched residue pairs from two protein structures. Reads and writes all-verses-all comparison scores.Single, average and maximum linkage hierachical clustering.Single structure verses multiple structure processingĪll-verses-all multiple structure comparison.Relative RMSD and Relative URMSD comparison.

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Sequence-dependent or sequence-independent alignment.A key feature of the program is the ability to process thousands of structures, either against a single reference protein or in an all-verses-all comparison. It provides a simple interface for a large number of common structure comparison tasks. MaxCluster is a command-line tool for the comparison of protein structures. Example MaxSub Transformation File Lite.MaxCluster A tool for Protein Structure Comparison and Clustering Table of Contents MaxCluster - A tool for Protein Structure Comparison and Clustering MaxCluster Home |

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